The One With The Funko Pop Scene Reenactment #001

I was just playing with my Funko Pops today and taking some photos since I just received Ross. When I was looking at my shots, I thought of this scene from The One With The Monkey where Ross came knocking on Monica’s apartment with Marcel in tow.

So I thought of editing the photos this way. I didn’t stage them prior. Maybe I’ll do more in the future and properly stage and light them.

The One Where Your Roomies Love You and Totally Get You

A month ago, Roomie #2 have bought me this sticker set.

I put the peephole frame on my laptop and FINALLY I never get confused anymore on which side the lid opens.

Then last night, roomie #1 got me this bookmark that she DIYed.

Aren’t they lovely? I’m thankful my roomies totally get me! Thanks roomies! 🙂

The One With George Stephanopoulos


The One With My First Friends Funko Pop – Monica

I finally found her!

#263 Monica Geller Funko Pop Friends (wave 1)

I just got her last week! And I’m so happy that my first Funko Pop is no less than my dear Monica.

As Friends wave 1 Funko Pop are all “vaulted” pops, they are kinda difficult to find as stores don’t carry them anymore. Your only option would be resellers – and I don’t know where to find them. But a friend of a friend who helped me pre-order the entire set of wave 2 is a Funko Pop collector and he found me this.

Actually someone beat him to it. He messaged me the price and that the box is a little creased. After thinking (for about 30 seconds), I finally(!) said yes. Who wouldn’t? It’s Monica! I’ve always wanted a Monica Funko Pop! But when he messaged the seller, he was told that somebody have already reserved it.

I eventually found a wave 1 Ross Geller Funko Pop online and ordered it right away. Not that I dislike Ross (coz disliking any one of them is horrendous!), it’s just that I would have liked to get a Monica first before getting her older brother Ross.

Sold Out because of me! (Yeah baby!) I’m excited for Ross to be with her little sister!

Then the Funko Pop guy messaged me saying that we eventually got Monica Geller. Apparently (most likely?), the one who reserved it bailed. So yeah baby, Monica’s mine!

I am just so happy getting her. Isn’t she the cutest?

Although I have to say her three (yes! 3!) wave 2 pops are way cuter and way more Monica-ish – because she is rarely in her chef uniform. Not as much as Chandler is in a sweater vest or Phoebe has her guitar or Ross is with Marcel or Joey with the duck or Rachel serving coffee in Central Perk. But who cares? Chef Geller rocks!

Oh! Oh! I wish they do Moondance Diner Monica too in the future. After they do Fat Monica, of course. And Catwoman Monica. And seducing-Chandler-with-carrots-a-knife-and-a-box-of-mac-and-cheese-80s-Monica.

Chef Geller waiting for cornrow-haired Monica, frizzy-only-because-of-the-humidity-haired Monica and turkey-head Monica


The One With The Many Monicas – Friends Funko Pop Wave 2


A friend just alerted me that Funko revealed one more Monica on the wave 2 of Friends Funko Pop! The frizzy-only-because-of-the-humidity haired Monica in Barbados!

Monica chase – rarity of 1-in-6

This is a “chase”. I’ve actually read “Monica w/ chase” on announcements for Friends wave 2 Funko Pops, but knowing nothing about Funko Pops, I didn’t know what it actually meant.


Found out that “chase” is sort of a limited edition of Funko Pop and usually made from the same molds, packaged in the same boxes, with the same box numbers, but in different design. In this case, Barbados cornrow haired Monica is the common Funko Pop and her “chase” is the Barbados humidity haired Monica (yey!).

I wonder why they didn’t go ahead with Too Tan Ross.

I am so happy because I have actually imagined and wished, that Funko Pop would release the frizzy haired Monica sometime in the future. I didn’t expect that it will actually be part of wave 2.

And as I searched for more details about the Monica chase figure, I found out that there’s a third Monica! Turkey-head Monica. And she’s an exclusive Target edition.

Could I BE any more excited? It’s 4:30am here and I literally cannot and won’t be able to sleep! I’m literally crying with excitement!

I already informed my friend that I will be pre-ordering the Monica chase Funko Pop. I wonder how difficult it is to get. It’s super pricey too. I mean, as compared to the common Funko Pop Monica, it’s about 500% more expensive. So I hope it’s not that difficult to get.

I wonder though how I can get the turkey head Monica from Target. If it’s not available for pre-order, then I would have to buy it from Target’s website. Because I NEED to have turkey head Monica too!

EDIT: Was able to pre-order Monica Turkey Head from Filbar’s! Yey my entire Friends Wave 2 will be complete!

I still wish though for a Fat Monica to pair up with the 80s Chandler. And re-create this scene along with Rachel and Ross. I think that Fat Monica would be so cute as a Funko Pop.


And Monica as Cat Woman to recreate the scene with Phoebe as Super Girl.

Phoebe: Ah, catwoman! So we meet again.
Monica: So we do, Supergirl.

Why are they so good to Monica lovers? I guess Funko Pop loves me my money!

Oh dear God! There are three of them!

Me: Happy! So very happy!

My wallet: Not so much…

Bye bye $$$!

Check out this official announcement from Funko Pop regarding Friends Funko Pop wave 2.

Coming soon this August!

The One With The Friends Funko Pop – Wave 2

Shortly after my obsession with Friends began, I learned about the Funko Pop Friends line that was released last 2015/2016.

Aren’t they the cutest?

With my very little knowledge on how Funko Pop works, I searched and inquired at every Funko Pop store online and offline only to get strangely looked at as these guys are already “vaulted” (in layman’s term, no longer in production aka unlikely to be found in stores). I later on learned that they are only available now through resellers and at 300-600% of the original selling price.

So imagine my excitement when I recently heard that Funko Pop produced Friends Wave 2 line!

As my bias is Monica, I have to get her! Plus isn’t she the cutest with her cornrows? But I also cannot resist Joey in Chandler’s clothes because that is just so cute too. So I “planned” on getting only the 2 of them from waver 2 (as I still prefer Phoebe, Chandler, Ross and Rachel from wave 1).

But who am I kidding? Of course I ended up pre-ordering all 6 of them simply because I just can’t resist them! Besides, I wouldn’t know if and when will I be able to get my hands on the wave 1 line. I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna regret this. I’m actually already pretty excited and can’t wait for it’s release.

By the way, about a couple of weeks after I pre-ordered the entire set, I placed another order for a second Monica and a Joey. Joey 2 will be a gift to a good friend (so that’s understandable) while Monica 2 will be my office and travel buddy (because Monica 1 will stay Monica-clean with the rest of the gang on display at my place – and that’s pretty understandable too, right?).

See also this article on the genesis of the Funko Pop Friends line wave 1.

The One Where It All Started

I was 10 when Friends debuted. I remember it was being broadcast here in the Philippines but I was too young to understand, follow and appreciate an American sitcom then. I was more of an ER, Seventh Heaven and Gilmore Girls kid (as far as American shows are concerned).

Looking back, I can’t help but think how fun it would have been being a fan back then when it was still airing and you wait every week for the next episode and every year for the next season and chase every magazine and talk show they are in.

Anyway, it has always been “in my background” since then. We sang “I’ll Be There For You” in our High School graduation ball (and yes, of course, with the four claps!) circa 2001. A few episodes were shown in an English language training class I took for work sometime in 2006. I used an episode as a material for an English class I conducted back in 2010 as my student said it’s her favorite. But I never bothered to watch it in it’s entirety.

Until a few years ago, a co-worker suggested I watch Friends. She told me it’s funny and it lifts up her mood when she’s down. It still took me a while before I decided to finally take the plunge and start watching Friends. I can’t remember exactly why I finally decided to watch it, but boy, I did not regret it one bit! And I’m gonna say this without any exaggeration – it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made as Friends have actually changed my life (See: The One With The Confession: I, too, Owe My Life to Friends).


Just months later and here I am with my unending rewatches, over ten thousand screenshots, growing collection and non-stop obsession. Most importantly, here I am – happy!

The One With the First Post

Ironically, the first line ever said in Friends, by our dear Monica, was, “There’s nothing to tell”; however, 10 years and 236 episodes after, A LOT have been told about the lives of Monica, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Joey and Phoebe.

Well, I really got nothing much to tell. This blog is just a venue for me to Monica-nized my random thoughts, musings and unhealthy obsessions towards this one great TV series called Friends.